
Melos Dub Reggae Echo Delay Impulse Response IR

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Melos Dub Reggae Echo Delay Impulse Response IR


The Melos EP50 !! The Fugliest - & Beautifullest analog Echo Delay ever made! These were what all the Reggae / Dub boys used - full of bucket brigade delay chips - as Low Fi & gorgeous as it gets! Very few producers back in the 70’s could afford tape delay units - they were expensive - had moving parts so broke all the time & were fragile bits of kit. The Melos on the other hand - you could feed to a Camel - & it would Still work when it came out the other end!!

Plus! - that’s how the BBC Audiophonic Workshop got its’ self oscillating delay feedback.

These IR’s will give your music that true analog feel - they were created at 96k on mastering grade equipment.

The video shows them being used on drums, keys & vocals - we use Kilohearts & Melda convolution players - as these make time stretching the IR’s to taste super easy.

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43 Melos Echo Delay IR's captured @ 96k using mastering grade devices !

10.5 MB
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