
Senor Al's Magic Band 0ne

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Senor Al's Magic Band 0ne


Senor Al’s Magic Band Logic Sampler Instrument No.1 !!

This logic sampler instrument is not only a Beatmakers Dream - it is a serious piece of software for music makers & producers who want the Livest Sounding Drums, Bass & Guitar.

Included is live bass, live guitar notes & chords, live drums - two drum machines (CR78 & ElectroHarmonix DRM16) - 808 Kicks - Spacedrums - 70’s Synthetone Mono Synth - Rhodes Keyboard - Live drum loops - & multilayered velocity sensitive vocals!

Everyone these days uses the same beats - which is why so much music sounds the same (Boring!!!).

Back in the early days of sampling they had Tiny Samplers - with Teeny Tiny Memories - so you had to think ahead to how you wanted to put your beat together. Most times you’d have to use small parts of a sample to layer over a drum machine - & you’d always make mistakes - ‘cause it was difficult & tricksy - but these mistakes gave the music a new energy - & actually helped to create D&B & a whole bunch of other styles of music!

To get yourself started - program a basic beat with either the drum machines or live kit - then drop drum loop samples in random places - cut the samples down to 1/4 their length by shortening the midi notes - Boom! Random rhythms you could Never program! - or even think of!! & That’s before you start adding Any of the musical elements!!!

Go nuts slicing up any of the samples & see what happens …. music making is supposed to be fresh & fun. The vocals are especially useful & sound excellent chopped into tiny bits.

There are 3 sampler settings - the main instrument is:

Senor Al Magic Band 0ne. (we used this setting to make the video music).

Setting 2 is: Senor Al Magic Band TwoFilter - & has LFO triggered filtering - tweak a few knobs & see what Xtra funkiness can be achieved once you’ve written some beats.

Setting 3: Senor Al Magic Band Multi0utputs - is a Multi out instrument for those of you that need more control of your audio.

Keyboard Mapping: - see included pic - or …….

Bass Guitar: C-2 To G#-2

808 Kicks: A-1 To D#0

Guitar Notes: E0 To F1

Vocals: F#1 To A#1 - Note Velocity1= 0 - 77: NV 2 = 78 - 87: NV 3 = 88 - 97: NV 4 = 98 - 107: NV 5 = 108 - 117: NV 6 = 118 - 127

Guitar Chords: C2 To C#3.

MonoSynth: D3 To D4

Rhodes: D#4 To B4

Live Drums: C5 To B5

Live Drum Loops: C6 To B6

ElectroHarmonix DRM16 Drum Machine: C7 To E7

CR78 Drum Machine: F7 To E8

Space Drums: F8 To G8 - Note Velocity: 1: 0 - 80. 2: 81 - 95. 3: 96 - 127s

To use the Multi Out Sampler - open Logic - then open a Multiple (not stereo or mono) output version of the sampler (exs24 or the newer version) - then load the multi output version of this instrument from whichever folder you have it stored. Press X on your keyboard to open the mixer - you’ll see a little + on the track with the sampler instrument - hit that 4 times & you’ll have a 5 output sampler! Boom! Juice up the samples with whatever Jazz you fancy. You’re welcome. xxx

I want this!

A Logic Sampler instrument with live bass, guitar, drums, vocals, drum machines, synths & rhodes - it's Killer!

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